St. Mary Catholic Church
St. Mary Catholic Church sits next to the Shrine and serves the faith community of the Mio area.
As curator of the Shrine, our pastor, staff and parishioners maintain and promote the Marian memorial as one of the Midwest's most popular Christian destinations.
Mission Statement
We the people of St. Mary Catholic Church, a community of faith, are called to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Influenced by Christ’s values, we experience the reign of God by reaching out to others.
United by our worship together, our commitment to lifelong praise of God, and our love for one another,
we move toward the future, dedicating our resources
to the enrichment of all people.
Fr. Santiago M. Hoyumpa
Maryanne Ladensack
Monte Mariani
Richard Troyer
Weekly Bulletins
FAQ Regarding Catholics and Immigration
Marian Calendar for March/April